

The 永利app新版本官网地址 (UNH) is committed to ensuring digital content (websites, 视频, 交互式在线内容, 等.) is accessible and usable to all individuals.  To ensure accessibility, UNH utilizes the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), version 2.1, level AA Guidelines as the standard for digital accessibility and compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Reporting Technology-Based Barriers:

UNH is committed to taking the necessary steps to remediate inaccessible content.  We encourage people who access and interact with digital content to report accessibility concerns.  University community members as well as members of the public can inform the University of any barriers to access they encounter and request access to the underlying program, 服务或活动.

If you have encountered or experienced a technology-based barrier, we encourage you to report the barrier so UNH can make the necessary corrections.  这样做的方法:

  • 请使用 事故报告表 to inform UNH of any technology-based barriers to access you have encountered. 
  • Alternatively, please send an email to the ADA合规官  或者叫民权运动 & 股本的办公室 (CREO) directly at 603-862-2930 to report your concern. 

Procedures for Responding to Concerns:

Reported concerns will be addressed in the following manner:

  1. 确认报告 -作为第一步, the ADA合规官 or designee will contact the reporter of the concern or issue.  This initial outreach may include an acknowledgement as well as any initial clarification of the concern or issue.  例如, if there was an identified video, but the specific page of the video was not identified, then clarification would be requested.  Please note that this is only possible if the reporter includes updated contact information.  Anonymous reports are possible, but specific contact information is needed for follow-up.  也, the ADA合规官 will provide guidance about how to help the individual access the underlying program, 服务或活动 while a review is undertaken.
  2. 检讨关注事项 – the ADA合规官 will review the concern to better understand the nature of the issue.  Specific timelines for the initial review may vary depending on the nature and complexity of the issue.  Generally, the initial review should take less than 10 business days.  If the anticipated timeline for the initial review is longer than expected (for example during peak times or during times when the University is closed), then this will be communicated to the person.
  3. 额外的服务 – 根据需要, the ADA合规官 will reach out to help clarify the issue or concern.  This includes further discussion about the barrier, as well as other similar questions to help determine next steps.
  4. 确定下一步行动 - Once the issue is clearly defined and understood, the ADA合规官 will notify the department or person responsible for overseeing the area where the concern is identified.  The ADA合规官 and the department/person will then work together to determine how to remediate the issue.
  5. Implementation of steps to resolve the concern – Implementation of the steps will be specific to the concern and the collaboration between the ADA Coordinator and the relevant department/person.  Prior to completion, UNH will retest to ensure the issue has been resolved.
  6. 决议通知 – Once the steps are taken to remediate the concern, the ADA Coordinator will notify the person who initially identified the barrier or concern that the issue has been remediated.  根据需要, this will include information about how the barrier was addressed and how access is being provided.

If you are an employee of UNH and are seeking more information related to accommodations, 请填写 Reasonable Accommodation Employee Request Form.

For UNH students seeking more information regarding accommodations, please connect with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to 请求住宿.